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Plastic Sealing for Packaging

While on site with a company that manufactures consumer products packaged using heaters to seal the exterior plastic, they were discussing the challenges they faced in their production process. The heaters they were using were excessively large, both in terms of wattage and physical size. The excessive heat produced by these heaters was actually melting the plastic packaging. To compound the problem, the high temperature was discoloring the cardboard on the opposite side of the plastics, and it was damaging the actual product on the other side of the cardboard. We suggested using one of our TUTCO SureHeat Hot Air Tools, or HATs, as we call them for short.

The lightweight construction and small footprint of our Hot Air Tools make them unique and popular in a variety of plastic and packaging processes. With their small outside dimensions and the ability to deliver precise and controllable heat using the built-in thermocouple, the Hot Air Tool electric heater can seal the plastic packaging without impacting the rest of the packaging or the product. With a little bit of testing and fine-tuning, the customer quickly identified the precise temperature for their ideal line speed. TUTCO SureHeat’s heating solution allowed them to maximize their throughput and produce a better quality product.

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